Responsive or Fixed

You can choose between responsive or fixed layout of the template in the template options.

Everything on this template is very standard. The right column has a width of 300 px so you can use it even to display banners with the standard size of 300 x 250 px.

The left one has the width of 160 so you can use it to display standard banner size 160 px x 600 px. The full width part of the site has the width of 980 px.


For Joomla 2.5 and 3.x

Quickstart on Joomla 2.5 as well on Joomla 3.1.

This template is very easy to customize. The code is very light and minimal. Preety basic code so if you are a developper you will find it very easy to customize it to all your need. Easy to change the colors, backgrounds and so on.

Tested on all modern browsers and different mobile phones.


Clean and stylish design

Clean and stylish design which you can use for lots or purposes. You can build corporate website, blog, company site or any kind of website.

You can easily use it to shoowcase your portfolio in different ways as well as using the sortable portfolio build into Joomla.

You can also create a blog very easy instead of using Wordpress.


Do you Like this template? This is just heading 2.

This is a custom HTML module which you can reuse or put something else insted. The module position is called "advet".

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