1. Open phpMyAdmin and add the additional field to the jos_vm_manufacturer:
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_manufacturer` ADD `mf_image` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL AFTER `mf_desc`
2. Open manufacturer.manufacturer_form.php and add additional row for the new field:
<td width="22%" align="right" valign="top"><br/><br/>Image:</td>
<td width="78%" ><br/><br/><?php
editorArea( 'editor2', $db->f("mf_image"), 'mf_image', '300', '150', '70', '25' )
3. Open ps_manufacturer.php and add the new field to the add and update functions the same way like the field mf_desc is added (just copy the line and add a new row after but for mf_image)
4. Open shop.manufacturer_page.php and do the same like in the previous step also don’t forget to add mf_image in the select statement for the database
5. If needed add the new field in the shop.manufacturer.tpl.php
6. Open shop.browse.php and add:
$browsepage_lbltext = $db->f("mf_image");
$tpl->set( 'browsepage_lblimage', $browsepage_lblimage );
$browsepage_lbltext = $db->f("mf_desc");
$tpl->set( 'browsepage_lbltext', $browsepage_lbltext );
Also here don’t forget to add the mf_image into the select statement above.
7. Then edit the browse_header_manufacturer.tpl.php add a field like $browsepage_lbltext but for the image
This is it…