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Great poster for the Europa Cup 2013 in Pamporovo Resort with picture of mine (the flying snowboarder on the left side of the poster). The guy on the picture is great snowboarder Atanas Malamov. Photography by Anton Kefilev.
Xavier de Le Rue, considered by his peers as the best big mountain rider, reveals himself intimately and exposes his feeling about his life, reasons he keeps on getting the motivation to push his own limits and why snowboarding represent his reason to be.
Regular updates on www.facebook.com/xvdelerue
White Noise features Xavier de Le Rue, Victor de Le Rue, Samuel Anthamatten and Johan Jonsson as guest
The second video for UNKLE’s ‘The Answer’, directed by Ross Cairns featuring footage from the Relentless ‘Lives of The Artists’ documentaries.
Freeride на Голям Перелик from anto kefi on Vimeo.
Кефи, Наско и Кико разцъкват на Голям Перелик фрирайдец.
Още snowboard