I’m using this one:
FaceBook Like Button Plugin for WordPress
by http://healyourchurchwebsite.com/2010/04/22/the-facebook-like-button-plugin-for-wordpress/
But there in one limitation. It doesn’t show the button on the category archive view and on the tag archive view pages. Probably in some cases it is good, but in others it’s better to show it.
So in order to do this go to the plugin files and open fblike_content_filter.php
On line 12 there is:
if( (is_front_page() && $fblike_settings_show_on_front_page == 'true') ||
(is_single() && $fblike_settings_show_on_single_post == 'true') ||
(is_page() && $fblike_settings_show_on_single_page == 'true') )
Add two more lines so it will become like this:
if( (is_front_page() && $fblike_settings_show_on_front_page == 'true') ||
(is_single() && $fblike_settings_show_on_single_post == 'true') ||
(is_category() && $fblike_settings_show_on_front_page == 'true') ||
(is_tag() && $fblike_settings_show_on_front_page == 'true') ||
(is_page() && $fblike_settings_show_on_single_page == 'true') )
Additional info on the WordPress conditional tags can be found here: