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Tag: url

Problem with category slug renaming in WordPress

I had a problem. I couldn’t change the category slug in some of my categories. So I found the solution at:

The problem comes from the fact that the tags and categories are stored in the same table in the database. And the tags also have slugs. So if there is already a tag with the slug that you want to put in the category you can’t do it until you delete the tag or change it’s slug.

You just need to go to the tags table in the admin panel and change the tag slug that’s making the problem.

Fix for a problem with Joomla K2 and sh404sef

First some explanation about the problem.

The situation is when you have a Joomla 1.5 site with sh404sef 2.1.4 component and you want to add additional section for a blog for example and you want to use K2 2.4 for this.

So in this case you have additional menu item called for example ‘blog’ where you see a blog of your K2 articles. But you also want to have the tags and the search.

The problem is that when you hit on a tag you go to the page with the tags but you don’t see the other modules for the ‘blog’ item (you are redirected to a page without Itemid).

The same is with the search results page.

And one additional fix for a prefix in the url for your K2 blog.

Function to get wordpress theme URL

This function will return the theme directory URL so you can use it in other functions:


Alternatively, this function will echo the theme directory URL to the browser:


So an example for an image in the themes images/headers folder would be:

<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/headers/image.jpg" />